
12:12 PM / Posted by Savage Photo /

Jeez, I haven't done a blog post other than for the 365 project in a while, haha. Not much to talk about how or why I did the photo below, but the story behind it that night was funny, lol. It was taken on Go Skateboarding Day in 2008. A bunch of skaters are supposed to skate from one end of the strip to the other. The year prior to that, which was 2007, had something like 500 skaters to complete the task. In 2008, it was minimized to 75 people or less. Anyway, it started off bad anyway. The skating was supposed to start at midnight, and we were late since there was an accident on the freeway to get to the Las Vegas strip. We finally got there, started skating, and made it about 1/4th of the way to our goal where there were policemen stopping every skater trying to do the Go Skateboarding Day task. All minors, 17 and younger, went with the police, and all 18+ got to go home. So, we did not want to go home and that is when I brought out my camera and we walked around the Las Vegas strip. That is where this photo came about...



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